It's Time To Provide Your Clients & Patients The Last Nutritional Advice They'll Ever Need

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It's time for you to level up your business by adding nutrition coaching that your clients will love, at zero upfront cost to you.


Maximize your client results with our revolutionary  PFC3 nutrition program without having to do any coaching yourself!


You know nutrition is a major factor in full-body transformation. Our proven plug and play system takes away the guesswork and lets you keep your time and energy focused on running your business.

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Here's What Sets Us Apart 

We believe in marrying the science behind nutrition with the mindset training needed for people to make LASTING change for their bodies.


There is nothing else out there that teaches the truth about HOW to give your body what it needs (hint: stable blood sugar!!) without tracking, counting, fasting, deprivation, or allowing food to make your clients feel guilty.


There is nothing else out there that teaches how our THOUGHTS and BELIEFS dictate our ACTIONS…which is directly related to our nutrition, wellness and lifestyle choices.  Mindsets MATTER when it comes to your clients health.


We can’t control their circumstances, but we ABSOLUTELY can help them control their RESPONSE…to time, to food, to emotions, to stress, to life. There is nothing else out there that teaches your clients how to cope with chaos, manage time, and still build in the fun.

What is PFC3?

PFC3 is a lifestyle based on the formula for food freedom that has already successfully helped millions of people around the world empower their relationship with food. The secret is eating the right combination of protein, fat, and carbs every three hours to supercharge the metabolism and give the body everything it needs to thrive.

By focusing on blood sugar stabilization, they will create the ideal environment in their body to release extra fat, balance hormones, and boost your energy levels - all while enjoying delicious meals that they can share with their friends and family - even the kids!!

But knowing how to eat is only part of the equation.

How many times have you hear your clients say, "I know what to do, I just don't DO it" when it comes to their health?

What they really need is a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long-term, and actually enjoy it!

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The Formula for food Freedom

With their forces combined, Mark and Carrie have cracked the code to the Formula for Food Freedom – a complete blueprint for winning with your health that is rooted in the science of blood sugar balance, empowered by a robust education and support system, and centered on a daily immersion into Body-Mind-Lifestyle at 1% progress.

My PFC3 Journey

What Our Clients Say

PFC3 has supported me on my journey to bring down my blood pressure and sodium level without medication. In the process, I am sleeping better, feeling stronger, and learning so much about the importance of mind, body, and spirit working together for a better me! I have learned so much and as a teacher, I love to learn and know the importance of learning new things everyday. The weekly meetings help to remind me and reinforce what I am learning and striving to do everyday!


PFC3 has allowed me to embrace the world with a new sense of purpose!!!! I am on a sustainable lifelong journey to my optimal health now that my body is fueled to stabilize my blood sugar. Daily excruciating pain and severe inflammation is a thing of the past! More energy and Food freedom at its best


I never knew how much time I wasted obsessing about food until I didn’t have to do it anymore! Now I have time to do the things I love and fulfill my purpose (oh and losing 60 lbs in a year helps me to do all the things)!

Karen Lynne

We read labels, portion food and purposefully plan not to mention the extensive education brings awareness and sets us up for success. We have learned SO much. We have hope like no other health approach has provided. We never give up and shame ourselves to the point of throwing the towel in when we have a weak moment , we reset and look ahead 3 hours to regroup. Food freedom has freed us! The " diet" shackles have fallen off! Oh ! Did I mention my cholesterol #'s continue to drop!

Kim and John